Friday, February 13, 2009

Pretty Monsters

Link, Kelly. Ills. Shaun Tan. Pretty Monsters: Stories. New York: Viking, 2008.[Book cover credit:]
Pretty Monsters is a collection of nine fantastical stories. The settings are drawn from a wide range of times and places, as are the characters, and the creatures you will encounter during your reading include werewolves, undead girlfriends, wizards, faeries and superhero librarians.

With a disclaimer like:
"I know no one is going to believe any of this. That's okay. If I thought you would, then I couldn't tell you. Promise me you won't believe a word" (pgs 141-2).
how can you be shocked by little girls who turn into horses, surfers who can talk to aliens, a superhero librarian who was just killed off on a TV show calling you in real life and asking you to actually steal books from a library in order to save her, or any other array of Pretty Monsters?

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