Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Comfort Reading

My apologies for the radio silence, folks.

I don't want this to be the place where I spill all my troubles, so I won't go into it, but things have been, for lack of a better word, difficult lately. I just haven't been able to make myself sit down and write any reviews. I've been doing what any good raised-by-baptists girl would do. I've been making comfort food. Nothing like mac'n cheese or mashed potatoes or mini chocolate nanner muffins to make bad times better. This baptist upbringing has also instilled in me the need to provide a comfort casserole or lasagna to anyone remotely in crisis.

My kitchen's been busy.

But I've also been reading. In recent weeks, I've read some great books (Dark Parties, Rotters, Texas Gothic), and I'm going to try to make myself sit down and talk about them with you all soon. What's really been taking up my time, though, is the Song of Ice and Fire series (many thanks to The Lost Entwife whose non-spoilery reviews pushed me over the edge into Must Read Now). I've not been able to put them down. Part of this is because these books are great and end with just enough left unresolved that I've just HAD to rush into the next 1000+ page installment. The bigger part, I think, is that books like A Game of Thrones et al. are my reading comfort food. The fantasy part is, unsurprisingly, just the kind of thing to make me feel better, but the combination of fantasy with a medieval or feudal setting just does something for me. I blame the books leftover from my father's Arthurian fantasy phase that littered my childhood. I have one more Ice and Fire book in my possession, and there is another that I can buy after that. But I don't feel the need to read them anymore. I just want to. Which means they worked.

I'll be back to my normal book-reviewing self soon, I hope, but in the meantime, what's your favorite comfort reading?

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Anachronist said...

Óh dear, sounds like you are in a lurch. I can't visit your kitchen or even send you more food so please, accept at least best wishes! Looking forward to your reviews!

Lydia said...

This update put the biggest smile on my face - I'm so glad that I could help push these books up on your list, and that you love them! Fantasy is my big comfort reading genre, I love escaping into the world and how easily a good fantasy book quickly changes "need to read" into "want to read".

Do you have a Kindle or Kindle software? I can check into seeing if I can loan these books (not sure offhand), and if so I'll be happy to loan whichever you need!

Charlotte said...

Yay for comfort reading! And I hope things improve for you.

When I was sick and stuck and home after my first child was born, I had a massive David Eddings re-read--very much casseroles for the mind, in that they were soothing, went on for a long time, and made no demands of me!

Lawral the Librarian said...

anachronist - best wishes are highly appreciated! thank you!

lydia - thank you very much for the offer of the loan! i've purchased all but the last available in the series at this point, and i'm trying to space out what i have left. your non-spoiler reviews really are great!

charlotte - "casseroles for the mind" is the perfect description for this kind of reading. thanks. :)